Winter: time to snow, time to drink vin fiert, time to eat hot covrige,

winter for the cuban people is time hot,

winter for the bears is to sleep,

winter for the catholic people means presents, Chrismas,

winter for the Groenland people is not light,

winter for Costa Rica people is time to work,

winter for people that sleep in the street is hard,

winter for the autom is goodbye,

winter for dogs is more hair,

winter for december is 21,

winter for the children is happiness,

winter for the tres is not leaves,

winter for Paris is love,

welcome winter!

Dear winter,

I’m Juan, i live in Brasov. It’s a city in the center of Roumania in the region of Transilvania,

I write you to tell you something about you. The weather is very bad, there are -30 degrees, it’s snow, there are ice in the street. People drink vin fiert in the street, eat covrige hot, there are lights in december to celebrate Chrismas days, Papa Noel bring presents, the family is together, people do diferentes sports in the snow, and ice.

Winter i am happy to know you in other place, you are different, you are the same!

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