French exchange
Posted by mireille on Saturday, August 17, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Recently a group of french young people came to Brasov to enjoy this nice mountain city. it was a very hot summerday but they had no chance to chill in the shadow because colors organisation invited them to come with them and some youngsters from Brasov on top of the Tampa mountain. Not by telecabina, no – by walking. And actually they were quite energetic 🙂 Up there we made a picknick and did some group games. Back down in the city the day was not finished yet. The guests had to get prepared for the city ralley in which they had to find important historical places of Brasov.
After they succeded we met in the evening in the main square. The guests had enjoyed this active day in Brasov.
Upcoming adventures of Hippo
Posted by mireille on Thursday, June 13, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Hippo is going to travel around the world. yeah, although he is a very lazy lilac hippopotamus he encouraged himself to learn something new about the different continents. Actually it is not his first time travelling: His home is Agypt and he moved to Romania to show kids from Brasov how they can enjoy their freetime. This summer he will take them to his homecountry and not only this: America, Asia and Antarctica for example are going to be discovered as well in games and handcrafts. Everything is starting in Europe on 22. June from 10:00 o’clock in Tractorul Park. Everybody is welcome to join. Hippo will be happy to have some travel company 🙂
Holiday time
Posted by mireille on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 · Leave a Comment

the summer has come to Romania and with it the travel time. that means to put all your stuff in a backpack and carry it to the trainstation, sit down in the CFR and move to the south. who doesn’t connect the image of a beach with vacation and fun? chilling in the shadow of an umbrella, feeling the sand under your feet, running into the water for a swim, collecting shells, take a drink with friends, enjoy some icecream…….or you prefer to visit a city? also a good idea in the warm may which we have right now. whatever you choose – if your holidays are going to be beautiful depends for sure not on the place you visit but on the people who are with you, on your curiosity and interest to get new experiences. Let’s go!
It is not the end, it is beginning of crazy things on my road
Posted by admin on Saturday, April 27, 2013 · Leave a Comment
I love to write blog on supervoluntari 🙂 cuz it remains always and you can find it on google too 🙂 Today, I ‘m not gonna talk about my leaving, cuz life is all about leaving, we born live out of belly by mom, then leave family and city and country. so , I’m thankful for everyone who made me ” Me ” all your emotions are appreciated already by me. Even tough it is my last 2 days in Romania, I don’t have tears on contrary I’m happy, cuz I return Turkey with happiness and great memory of friendships. I love Romania, Romanian language, Romanian people without any doubt. In my opinion, Romania deserves better than today who they’re and what they have. Hope to meet my all Romanian friends in Turkey or in Romania again for holidays, projects, volunteering, partnerships. You all welcome 😉
I will post couple of photos from last weeks including travel, acitivity etc. and I wish you have a great weekend and sunny days. Monday I have flight to Istanbul, anyone wanna come? lol :-)))

French Teenagers – Intercultural exchange…
ROREC- Recycling Campaign in Brasov
The Recycling of Words
Posted by mireille on Friday, April 12, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Spoken words you usually can not take back, you can not change them or make something new out of them.
with written words it looks quite different-you can do a lot with them…
You have old magazines, already read them and want to throw them away? wait a moment and choose some pages to do something creative with it – for example creating jewellery.
The pearls you see in the picture below are made from a long triangle cut from a magazin page. You just need a small stick, around which you roll the triangle-paperstripe – beginning with the wide side , finishing with the small one which you stick with a bit of clue : the first part of a nice necklace is done!

Scoala Altfel Days
Posted by admin on Thursday, April 4, 2013 · Leave a Comment
How are you? I hope you’re fine all. This week has been declared as ” Scoala Altfel ” (Other or different school in English ) by Ministry of Education in Romania. The Idea was for all school to get children involved into creativity, thinking, developing and sharing without much focus and pressure of regular teachers in their schools in which actively keeping on their educational process and working in more likely carrying out ” formal” education methods. This week was important for us , volunteers as well as children from each school especially Brasov city in which we volunteers work with. The Activity ideas have been prepared some weeks ago and were ready to be implemented and taking its own results in the end. And now, Let’s see through these three days what did we do and how we worked?
The First of Scoala Altfel started by Monday with participation of teenagers that were over 25 people from 8th class from School 13 in Brasov. It was morning and we thought they reached us with big expectations so we could read that from their eyes besides innocence of not knowing what to do. I and my colleagues played energizers and games with them in the early’s of morning. They seemed they have been enjoying so much in addition to fact that quality of games were bespoken to their ages. Especially the one in which they were belting down balls and try to catch goals were pleased by them. On the second phase, We offered them a ” teamwork-training” game about protecting eggs. The idea is that teenagers splitted into groups and obliged to create protection for eggs so that they can’t ever broken by outer factors when we threw them through our window. Eventually, They created stories about a life of Octopus watching it from an animation movie.
In second day, we were in Scoala 13 located in Tractorul with participation of Small kids that ranged between 6-7 ages group and so we splited into 3 groups as local and international volunteers and each team managed around 20 kids playing with them, preparing posters on which they stuck images about ” Hippo makes sport” ( Hippo face sport) and prepared cute rabbits all together.
In the last day, We went to Scoala 11 and we’ve played with children energizers and games such as shoot game, clapping hands and catch the fingers and then like we used to do for previous children, we splitted into groups. Children were preparing poster with Hippo thema and then created rabbits. We had really fun together and finished the last day of Scoala Altfel in that school.
All of us liked this idea for students in this special week and we appreciated.
” Let’s raise Non-formal education up “

Creative Eastertime
Posted by mireille on Thursday, April 4, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Last weekend was eastertime at home in Germany. With snow there. Here easter will be in May this year – so at least the easter bunny will have better weather to bring and hide the eggs and sweets 😉 … Anyway, a bit easter feeling came already up when my volunteer colleagues and me made colorful bunnies in different activities during the last days. These bunnies are easy to make from toiletpaperrolls which are covered with colorful paper. The ears are made from paper as well, with a pen one can give the rabbit a individual face. and of course this rabbits are not the only colorful easter decoration – eggs can be colored as well…

The Art of beautiful Writing
Posted by mireille on Tuesday, March 26, 2013 · Leave a Comment
You like beautiful texts and you want to write your favourite line from a songtext or poem with ink or with paint and a brush?
Tomorrow in our calligrafie workshop you have the possibility to try out this things.
We wait for you at 15:00 in Mircea cel Batran 4 🙂

photo credit:
Do you want to have a speech with someone in English?
Posted by admin on Thursday, March 7, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Cheers guys how are you? Don’t believe in someone who might tell you English is tight language, not true. It is simple and easier if you have courage to develop it on your own. As it is used to be on headline , I picked up ” tricky ” word to say instead ” to talk, to speak ” which means English goes to its own way sometimes differently than other languages.
It is required to working a picky workshop and lessons with help of someone or sometimes by yourself practising every day and taking quizes up. Don’t get bored, make it more fun.. The example is to listen English songs, or find some American in the city by chance 🙂
I have repeating Interactive English learning activity which will be held today from 17.00 in Asociatia Colors, Mircea Cel Batran Nr. 4 , it won’t take much time at evening, however what you’ll learn is worth to come over us 🙂 We’ll be friends with Funny American Author John Pearson who has written the book called Learn me good. We ‘d take fun quizes too. Let’s build up together! ( We got dictionary 😛 ) I wait for you all, I’ll be there! 
Scared of water?
Posted by mireille on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Scared of water? No problem. In my North Sea photo presentation you will stay dry, because it takes place in Mansarda Baiulescu – in the building of the english library near Livada Postei. Come at 22.03. at 19:00 and you will discover an amazing ecosystem, interesting animals and breathtaking landscapes.
See you there! Mireille.
Enjoy with Hippo games for kids and teenagers
Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Hippo was the idea in which we can able teach and play some non-formal games with kids and teeangers, to be more spesific, aged between 2-18 included in door and outdoor games. In last summer, Volunteers of As Colors as whole were in Tractorul Park. We played outdoor games which make children excited and fun. We wished that we can do it again although winter condition came back strongly. So we found a way.. Amusements never ending for young generation. We created a serii of week including Hippo indoor activities that contain Board games, Puzzles, Creative workshops, Painting on paper or on wall, handmade stuff, Origami, Music games, Instruments, unsatisfied adrenalins and gifts for lovely kids. Some weeks ago, a group of children visited us to play games . They were amazing, so talented, clever and open-eyed. We had fun too as well as they had fun with us. They created, they became happier and their parents as well. 
Last week, we met again for Hippo 6 Simturi in our activity center and this time we welcomed coming of ” spring” ( Primavara) We painted, we played Bingo, Jenga, and creative workshops ( we don’t forget to warm ourselves up before we start games ) If you’re interested in our Hippo games, Either your parents could register in website named or if you’re teenager, either yourself. At 16 of March we will have ” Hippo 6 Simturi -Gust, Miros” in activity center (Mircea Cel batran Nr. 4) , Let’s join us!

enjoy making friendship bracelets
Posted by mireille on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 · Leave a Comment
one of our last workshops was the friendship-bracelet-workshop. my collegues and me tought around 15 people how to create bracelets from different colorful wool. the technic has its origins in southamerica and is very easy. you need to learn only one type of knot. you will repeat it again and again to create different patterns. we explained two different patterns which are less complicated for beginners. for some people it was really easy. they already knew the technic and were very fast and creative. others tried this for the first time, but we didn’t even need to help everybody seperatly because the participants were in a good mood, talkative and helped each other as well. It was a nice atmosphere and in the end people were happy about their results. now they can give the bracelet as a present to their friends…

photo credit: